1. It Reduces Cancer Risk: Regular consumption of mango fruit is one sure way to lower the risk of contracting cancer, the presence of anti-oxidant and methyl gallat fisetin, in mangoes has shown tools help prevent breast cancer, prostrate cancer, leukemia and colon.
2. It Detoxifies the Liver: including mango in your diet can help you maintain a healthy liver, because the fruit contains antioxidant that help you detoxify the liver from harmful and toxic substances.
3. It Improves the Immune system:Mangoes also help to boost the immune system. It possesses high powerful antioxidants and vitamin A & C which helps the body fight against radical damages, and enhance the immune system function.
4. It Reduces Cholesterol levels:mango fruit contains a lot of fibre, pectin, and potassium content that reduces cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and also improve the digestive system.
5. It Enhances the Brain Function: Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin B6 which helps to improve the nervous system and enhances brain function, it also contains glutamine which also aid and enhance memory and concentration.
6.It Helps Control Weight Gain: Consuming the skin (peels) of mangoes according to various studies conducted, can help put your weight under control as extract found in the skin of mango hinder the growth of fat cell.
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